The Omega Course
The Omega Course was devised as a five session course, completed over four weeks. It recognises the taboo surrounding death and dying and the silence this creates. By the end of The Omega Course each participant will have increased confidence in thinking about their own death and also in being able to help others.
The Omega Course achieves participant confidence by creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere in which thinking and discussion about death and dying can take place.
Death of someone close to you, sudden illness, birth of a child, a new relationship, a sense of the years passing, ageing parents, a national emergency and now a pandemic, all unsettle us and create a sense of unease which is hard to voice in the course of normal conversation. We welcome these uncertainties into open discussion in safe facilitated surroundings.
The Omega Course covers forward planning for ourselves and talking with others. When an occasion arises, our participants have the skills and mindset to handle conversations about end-of-life matters. These skills are a valuable resource to neighbourhood communities.
We aim to release and improve the latent communication skills we all possess to be more effective family, friends, neighbours and carers.